Dieser Thread wird noch aktualisiert auf 1.12.2 und unsere Plugins.Aufgrund der ständigen Änderungen, was Plugins angeht, hat sich einiges geändert.
Durchgestrichene Plugins wurden entfernt, und fettgedruckte wurden hinzugefügt:
AdminCMD, NoCheat, CraftBookUnd hier die genauen Infos und Befehle der Addons:
WorldGuard - Definieren von Arealen und was damit man tun kann
PDF - [attachmini=2]
AdminCMD - Basisbefehle für den Server - die Wichtigsten im Überblick:
/motd - Shows the current MotD
/news - Shows the current News
/rules - Shows the current Rules
/tpto name - teleportiert dich zu einem andren Spieler
/tphere name - teleportiert den andren Spieler zu dir
/tploc x y z richtung - teleportiert dich an die gegebene Koordinate
/sethome - setzt den eigenen Heimatpunkt
/home - teleportiert dich zum eigenen Heimatpunkt
/wp name - erstellt einen WarpPunkt mit gegebenem Namen
/twp name - teleportiert dich zu einem erstellten WarpPunkt
/lwp - listet lle WarpPunkte auf
/rwp name - löscht den angegebenen WarpPunkt
/gm - wechselt den Gamemode
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LoginAchtung: Befehle sind Abhängig vom Benutzerrang auf dem Server.
GFA-Mitglieder dürfen z.B. mehr als Servermitglieder. Diese wiederum dürfen mehr als Standardspieler.
(Warppunkte, die mit /warp create oder /warp pcreate erstellt wurden funktionieren weiterhin, da das "alte" Warpplugin noch installiert ist.
Spieler werden gebeten, ihre alten Warppunkte mit dem neuen Befehl zu übernehmen, da das Alte bald entfernt wird.)
ButtonTeleport - Buttons zum teleporten
/button area [area name] Get two diagonals to area
/button area remove [area name] Removing area
/button create [area name] Creating teleport button to area
/button teleport [area name] Teleport to random location using command
LazyRoad Ingame Designer - Strassenbau tool
/lrdhelp [topic] : Every command is a topic now. [topic] is optional.
/setroad : Sets the road you have in your selection.
/setstairs : If a road has been set, sets a new selection as the road's stairs.
/setgrade <number> : Default is 0. If you set stairs you'll want to make this at least 1. 2 if you're using slabs for steps.
/setkeepid <blockID> : Set this to a block Id you want the road to not set to air. The road has to be set again.
/roadinfo : Prints out the current info on the set road.
/testroad : Saves the road as temp.ser and triggers the /road reload and /road temp commands
/teststop : Triggers the /road stop and /road undo commands
/saveroad <name> : When satisfied with your road lets you save it to a name of your liking. No spaces allowed in the name.
Version 0.3.x
/setpillar : Sets the pillar you have in your selection.
/testpillar [road name] : Allows you to test your pillar before saving it. 'road name' is a saved LR road name, otherwise it uses your currently set road as the road.
/savepillar : Saves the pillar to the LazyRoad's pillars folder and reloads LazyRoad.
/pillarinfo : Prints out the current info on the set pillar.
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Register or Login- Verwaltung mehrere Maps auf einem Server
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Login - Befehle die man auf Schilder, Buttons und Schalter legen kann.
is used for "on block interaction triggered" scripts !
is used for "on block walk triggered" scripts !
After you've choosen the kind of trigger you want , you need to choose the type of commands you want to send to ScriptBlock !
Use this command to create a script and follow displayed informations !
Use this command to add a command, or a script to an already created one, or to an already bound one.
Use this command to remove a script from a block.
Use this command to view the script you've bound to a block !
This command let you reload the save file, to refresh the scripts bound on blocks !
Usefull when editing script in the BlocksData.yml save file while server is still running !
exemples:"/sbinteract create" , "/sbwalk create", "/sbinteract remove", "/sbwalk remove", etc...
WorldEdit 6PDF - [attachmini=3]
LWC - Schutz von Kisten und Objekten wie Türen und so (noch nicht installiert)
| Argument
| Notes
| Example(s)
/lwc -c <type> | public | Create a public proctection anyone can use, but no one can protect themselves | /lwc -c public /cpublic
| private [Groups/Users] | Create a private protection, that only you and players and/or groups you specify. [p]Groups are prefixed with g:
Players and groups are space sperated [/p]
| /lwc -c private Hidendra g:Mods /cprivate Hidendra g:Mods
| password <Password> | Create a password-protected protection with the entered password. [p]You and anyone else will have to enter the password to the protection when prompted to upon attempting to open it.
When a password is entered, it allows you to use the inventory until you logout. [/p]
| /lwc -c password supersecret /cpassword supersecret
/lwc -m <args> | | Used to modify an existing private protection. Syntax is identical except you can use a dash (-) in front of a name to remove it from access
| /lwc -m -g:Mods
/lwc -u <Password> | | Used to unlock a password-protected protection when you are prompted to upon interacting with it | /lwc -u supersecret /cunlock supersecret
/lwc -i | | Shows information on a protection including who owns it and when it was created. [p]For LWC admins, this will display more detailed information. [/p]
| /lwc -i /cinfo
| limits | Shows you how many protections you have protected and what your protection limit is | /lwc -i limits /climits
/lwc -o [page] | | Displays everyone who has access to a specific private protection | /lwc -o
/lwc -r <type> | protection | Remove a protection from the LWC database | /lwc -r protection /cremove
| modes | Removes any modes enabled on you (normally, they are removed when you logout) | /lwc -r modes
/lwc mode <mode> | persist | Enables you the ability to use a single command multiple times; can be used in conjunction with /lwc -c private to register a multitude of protections | /lwc mode persist
| droptransfer select | Allows you to select your registered chest as a Drop Transfer target, which means any items you drop will be transferred to that chest if there is room in it | /lwc mode droptransfer select
| droptransfer on | Enables drop transferring | /lwc mode droptransfer on
| droptransfer off | Disables drop transferring | /lwc mode droptransfer off
| droptransfer status | Views the status of drop transferring (chosen a chest and on or off) | /lwc mode droptransfer status
/lwc menu <style> | basic | Switch to the basic menu style, which is normally default. Uses aliases in place of LWC commands where possible.
| advanced | Displays all possible LWC commands, and rarely (if at all) will show the aliases for commands.
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Login- ICs für Redstonetechnik
Stadt-Teile bauen mit Worldedit:/cs fab .....
>>city block options..
HIGHRISE - buildings are as large as possible, buildings tend to be narrower
MIDRISE* - buildings are about 2/3 as tall as possible
LOWRISE - buildings are about 1/3 as tall as possible
TOWN - buildings are about 1/4 as tall as possible, parks can be larger
PARK - city block size park
FARM - farm with up to four different crops
FARMHOUSE - like a farm but a house instead of one of the crops
HOUSES - four cute little houses with fenced yards
DIRTLOT - city block size dirt lot
PARKINGLOT - parking structure
JUSTSTREETS - city block size hole in the ground
- last city block option specified wins!
- * = MIDRISE is used if nothing else is specified
>>other options..
HELP - shows the command line options
RANDOM - build using a true random seed instead of one based on location
FIRSTTIME - overrides the rift protection and allows for creation of city blocks anywhere
BlockProtectionSchutz von jeglichen Blöcken, die man setzt.
/bp Toggle BlockProtection on/off
/bpadd Add a player to your friends list
/bpadmin Toggle BlockProtection bypass on/off
/bpclear Clears your entire friends list
/bplist List all players from your friends list
/bpreload (Will not reload changes to "save-interval". Restart required!) Reloads settings from config.yml
/bpremove Remove a player from friends list
/bptool Gives the player 1 of the "utility tool"
/bpgive Name All blocks will be given to Name player , by using Tool. To disable write /bpgive.
/bptransfer Name After region selected by World edit. This command will transfer protection of selected blocks to Name player.
ButtonWarp- Teleportieren
- Bezahlen
- Geld bekommen
- Items abgeben
- Items bekommen
per Knopfdruck
/bw make [Name] - Makes Warp at current location
/bw make [Name] nowarp - Makes a Warp that doesn't teleport
/bw move [Name] ('nowarp') - Moves Warp to current location
/bw link [Name] - Links target button/pressure plate with Warp
/bw unlink - Unlinks target block with Warp
/bw delete (Name) - Deletes Warp and unlinks blocks
/bw amount (Name) [Amount] - Sets amount for Warp
/bw access (Name) [Group] - Only Players in Group can Warp
/bw access (Name) [Group1,Group2,...] - Allow multiple Groups
/bw access (Name) public - Anyone can Warp
/bw source (Name) server - Generates/Destroys money
/bw source (Name) [Player] - Gives/Takes money from Player
/bw source (Name) bank [Bank] - Gives/Takes money from Bank
/bw msg [Name] [Msg] - Sets message recieved after using Warp
/bw time (Name) [Days] [Hrs] [Mins] [Secs] - Sets cooldown time for using Warp
ex. /bw time test 1 6 45 30 = Player can receive another reward after waiting 1 day, 6 hours, 45 minutes, and 30 seconds
ex. /bw time test -1 0 0 0 = Player can never receive another reward
In both cases, if the Warp does not normally give a reward (it is free or charges money) then the cooldown will prevent the Player from warping
/bw type (Name) ['global' or 'player'] - Sets cooldown type for using Warp
/bw max (MaxNumber) - Sets Max uses per reset
/bw ['allow' or 'deny'] items - Sets if items may be taken through the Warp
/bw list - Lists all Warps
/bw info (Name) - Gives information about the Warp
/bw reset - Reset activation times for target Button
/bw reset [Name or 'all'] - Reset Buttons linked to the Warp
/bw rl - Reloads ButtonWarp
/bw help - Displays ButtonWarp commands
/bw help 2 - Displays more ButtonWarp commands
Orebfuscator Scrambler gegen X-Ray (noch nicht installiert)
/ofc engine <1/2> - Set engine mode to 1 or 2
/ofc threads - Set number of processing threads allowed
/ofc updateradius - Set block update radius
/ofc initialradius - Set initial obfuscation radius
/ofc <enable/disable> - enable/disable ore obfuscation
/ofc <enable/disable> <updatebreak|updatedamage> - Change update triggers
/ofc <enable/disable> <updatephysics|updateexplosion> - Change update triggers
/ofc <enable/disable> <darknesshide> - no light obfuscate
/ofc <enable/disable> <op|perms> - op/permissions
/ofc <enable/disable> cache - chunk caching
/ofc <enable/disable> world <worldname> - per world Disable/Enable obfuscation
/ofc <enable/disable> world <worldname>
/ofc clearcache - Clear all cache
/ofc reload - Reload from config file
/ofc status - Show status of Orebfuscator
/chunk [radius] - Resend chunks within a certain radius around the player
SignModMan kann Schilder farbig gestalten
Colors and Codes for Colors
&0 - Black
&1 - Dark Blue
&2 - Dark Green
&3 - Dark Aqua
&4 - Dark Red
&5 - Purple
&6 - Gold
&7 - Gray
&8 - Dark Gray
&9 - Indigo
&a - Bright Green
&b - Aqua
&c - Red
&d - Pink
&e - Yellow
&f - White
&k - Magic
&l - Bold
&m - Strikethrough
&n - Underlined
&o - Italics
&r - Reset
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